Web Page Creation Just Got Easier: Use Computer Vision to Turn Your Whiteboard Sketches into Code

ai in computer vision augmented startups computer vision deep learning web development Jan 06, 2023
Web page generation

Have you ever found yourself sitting in a meeting, doodling the layout of a new web page on a whiteboard, only to realize that turning those scribbles into actual code is going to be a tedious and time-consuming task? Or have you ever wished that you could just wave your magic marker and poof! – your beautiful web page designs would come to life, without having to type a single line of code?

Well, good news everyone – with the power of computer vision, your wildest whiteboard dreams can now become a reality!

In this article, we'll explore how you can use computer vision to generate web pages in real-time, simply by drawing your designs on a whiteboard (or any other surface, for that matter). We'll also look at some of the tools and techniques that can help you bring your whiteboard creations to life. But first, let's take a step back and understand what computer vision is, and how it can be used to automate the web page generation process.

What is Computer Vision?

Computer vision is a field of computer science that deals with how computers can be made to see and interpret the world around them. It involves the development of algorithms and systems that can analyze, interpret, and understand images and videos, and extract meaningful information from them.

Some of the things that computer vision systems can do include recognizing objects, classifying images, detecting faces, and understanding scenes. These tasks are typically achieved using a combination of machine learning techniques, such as deep learning, and traditional computer vision algorithms.

How Can Computer Vision be Used for Web Page Generation?

Now that we have a basic understanding of what computer vision is and what it can do, let's see how it can be used for web page generation.

The idea here is simple – you draw the layout of your web page on a whiteboard (or any other surface), and then use a computer vision system to analyze the drawing and generate the corresponding HTML and CSS code.

Sounds too good to be true? Well, it's not! There are already several tools and techniques available that can help you achieve this, and the best part is that you don't need to have any coding skills to use them.

Tools and Techniques for Web Page Generation Using Computer Vision

There are several tools and techniques that you can use to generate web pages using computer vision. Some of the most popular ones are:

  1. Whiteboard to HTML: This is a simple tool that uses computer vision to analyze a sketch of a web page layout on a whiteboard and generate the corresponding HTML and CSS code. All you need to do is take a picture of your whiteboard sketch with your smartphone or digital camera, and then upload it to the tool. The tool will then analyze the sketch and generate the code for you.
  2. Sketch2Code: This is another tool that uses computer vision to turn your web page sketches into actual code. Like Whiteboard to HTML, all you need to do is take a picture of your sketch and upload it to the tool. The tool will then generate the HTML and CSS code for you.
  3. Adobe XD: Adobe XD is a popular design and prototyping tool that also has built-in support for computer vision-based web page generation. With Adobe XD, you can draw out your web page layout on a whiteboard or any other surface, and then use the "Create Web Page" feature to generate the HTML and CSS code.
  4. DeepCoder: DeepCoder is a tool that uses deep learning and computer vision to generate web pages in real-time. It works by analyzing a sketch of a web page layout and using machine learning algorithms to generate the corresponding HTML and CSS code. And let's not forget us...
  5. Augmented Startups: we have created this project in Python! So, if you're a Python fan like us, you'll be happy to know that you can use this tool to auto-generate your web pages.

How to Code Your Own Computer Vision Whiteboard to Web Page Generator?

So, you've read this article, tried out some of the tools and techniques for web page generation using computer vision, and now you're ready to take the next step – you want to code your own computer vision whiteboard to web page generator!

Well, we've got you covered. At Augmented Startups, we have a project on our AI project store that can help you get started. This project will guide you through the process of building a simple computer vision system that can analyze a whiteboard sketch and generate the corresponding HTML and CSS code.

You'll learn how to use machine learning techniques, such as deep learning, to train your system to recognize different web page elements, such as headers, footers, and navigation menus. You'll also learn how to use traditional computer vision algorithms to extract information from the whiteboard sketch and generate the code.

And the best part? You'll be coding this project in Python! So, if you're a Python fan like us, you'll have a blast building your own computer vision whiteboard to web page generator.


Web page generation using computer vision is an exciting new way to build web pages that is fast, efficient, and doesn't require any coding skills. With the right tools and techniques, you can easily turn your whiteboard sketches into beautiful, functional web pages in real time.

So the next time you're in a meeting, sketching out the layout of a new web page on a whiteboard, remember that you don't have to spend hours or days writing code – you can simply use computer vision to bring your designs to life, and start building your dream web page in no time! And if you're feeling particularly ambitious, you can even try coding your own computer vision whiteboard to web page generator using the project on our AI project store. The possibilities are endless!

Don’t forget if you want to generate your own webpage without having to use a third-party service, then check out the code at the Augmented Startups AI Project Store which you can check out right over HERE.

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